Work in progress

Hurtado Bodell M., & Magnusson, M., & Keuschnigg, M. & (2023). Seeded Topic Models in Digital Archives: Analyzing Interpretations of Immigration in Swedish Newspapers, 1945–2019 [under review]

Hurtado Bodell, M., & Menshikova, A. (2023). The impact of terror attacks on online immigration discourse. Is it due to how people talk or who is talking?

Menshikova, A., Hurtado Bodell, M., Magnusson, M., & Keuschnigg, M. (2023) The parallel evolution of online and media immigration discourses

Menshikova, A., Hurtado Bodell, M., Larsson, E.C., & Magnusson, M. (2023) Integrating social theory in text analysis: constrained topic models in social research

Lennert, F., Hurtado Bodell, M., Ibrahim, E., & Menshikova, A. (2023) Do Swedish liberals drink lattes? A study of lifestyle polarisation along political lines in a multi-party system

Hurtado Bodell, M., & Mutgan, S. & Jarvis, B. (2023). Mainstream media, social media, and the ethnic reputations of neighborhoods

Hurtado Bodell, M., & Bursell, M., & Bygren, M. (2023). Increasing numbers, an increasing threat? Using word embeddings to study the relationship between threat-based stereotypes and out-group size